Favorite Songs off of Albums I've reviewed

Around the Fur (1997) Mascara: The opening guitar is amazing as well as the vocals on it make it excellent. It's one of the songs that stand out to me as I like it when Chino puts the alternative into the alt metal lelz if it wasn't this it would be Be Quiet and Drive.
White Pony (2000) Knife Prty and Street Carp are my tops as I couldn't choose between them. Although I criticized Chino for the yelling on Around the Fur I feel it works well when implemented in Street Carp with both the yelling and the vocalizing not the mention the guitar playing a simple but heavy riff. Knife Party goes allin with vocalising which alongside the instrumental makes it a perfect track from me.
Saturday Night Wrist (2006) Rats!Rats!Rats! and Kimdracula are the ones I choose for this album because of the same reasons as Knife Prty and Street Carp as with Kimdracula you have Chino moaning into the mic (in a good way) and in Rats!Rats!Rats! the change between Chino yellig and Chino singing works very well.
Deftones (2003) Hexagram as its the onyl song I can listen to without getting extremely bored.